31 research outputs found

    Realtime hybrid task-based control for robots and machine tools

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    Abstract-This paper presents work in the field of hard realtime robotics and machine control. We analyse the requirements of a hybrid realtime control task specification allowing the integration of discrete and continuous control tasks. We propose an application independent task structure providing data flow consistency under simulataneous access by different control layers. We provide an execution flow mechanism to guarantee execution time determinism, yet allowing flexibility to react to a changing environment. We use state machines for process monitoring and a thread-safe realtime event system to communicate changes. The tasks can be distributed over a network and communicate using interfaces or manipulate streams of data in the loop. The presented task structure is applied to a real world example

    Staphylococcus jettensis sp nov., a coagulase-negative staphylococcal species isolated from human clinical specimens

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    Eight coagulase-negative, novobiocin-susceptible staphylococcal strains were isolated from human clinical specimens at two different Belgian medical facilities. All strains were non-motile, Gram-stain-positive, catalase-positive cocci. DNA G+C content, peptidoglycan type, menaquinone pattern, the presence of teichoic acid and cellular fatty acid composition were in agreement with the characteristics of species of the genus Staphylococcus. Sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene and four housekeeping genes (dnaJ, tuf, gap and rpoB) demonstrated that these strains constitute a separate taxon within the genus Staphylococcus. Less than 41 % DNA-DNA hybridization with the most closely related species of the genus Staphylococcus (Staphylococcus haemolyticus, Staphylococcus hominis and Staphlococcus lugdunensis) was observed. Key biochemical characteristics that allowed these bacteria to be distinguished from their nearest phylogenetic neighbours are arginine dihydrolase positivity, ornithine decarboxylase negativity and inability to produce acid aerobically from D-mannose, a-lactose and turanose. Acid is produced aerobically from trehalose. Based on these results, a novel species of the genus Staphylococcus is described and named Staphylococcus jettensis sp. nov. The type strain is SE0110(T) (=LMG 26879(T)=CCUG 62657(T)=DSM 26618(T))

    Deubiquitinating enzyme amino acid profiling reveals a class of ubiquitin esterases

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    The reversibility of ubiquitination by the action of deubiquitinating enzymes (DUBs) serves as an important regulatory layer within the ubiquitin system. Approximately 100 DUBs are encoded by the human genome, and many have been implicated with pathologies, including neurodegeneration and cancer. Non-lysine ubiquitination is chemically distinct, and its physiological importance is emerging. Here, we couple chemically and chemoenzymatically synthesized ubiquitinated lysine and threonine model substrates to a mass spectrometry-based DUB assay. Using this platform, we profile two-thirds of known catalytically active DUBs for threonine esterase and lysine isopeptidase activity and find that most DUBs demonstrate dual selectivity. However, with two anomalous exceptions, the ovarian tumor domain DUB class demonstrates specific (iso)peptidase activity. Strikingly, we find the Machado–Joseph disease (MJD) class to be unappreciated non-lysine DUBs with highly specific ubiquitin esterase activity rivaling the efficiency of the most active isopeptidases. Esterase activity is dependent on the canonical catalytic triad, but proximal hydrophobic residues appear to be general determinants of non-lysine activity. Our findings also suggest that ubiquitin esters have appreciable cellular stability and that non-lysine ubiquitination is an integral component of the ubiquitin system. Its regulatory sophistication is likely to rival that of canonical ubiquitination.We thank Axel Knebel, Richard Ewan, Clare Johnson, and Daniel Fountaine from the Medical Research Council (MRC) Protein Production and Assay Development team, and MRC Reagents and Services, who all contributed to the generation of protein reagents required for the MALDI-TOF DUB assay platform. We thank Ronald Hay for provision of the plasmid encoding the constitutively active RNF4 E3 ligase. This work was funded by the United Kingdom MRC (MC_UU_12016/8), the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BB/P003982/1), and The Michael J. Fox Foundation (12756). We also acknowledge pharmaceutical companies supporting the Division of Signal Transduction Therapy (Boehringer-Ingelheim, GlaxoSmithKline, and Merck KGaA).Peer reviewe

    A Software Framework for Real-Time and Distributed Robot and Machine Control (Een software raamwerk voor ware tijd en gedistribueerde robot en machine controle)

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    Het ontwerp van sofware raamwerken in ware tijd robot- en machinecontrol e heeft zich in het verleden toegespitst op robotica, zoals bewegingscon trole, of op automatische machinecontrole, zoals logische controle. Ontw erpen naar het eerste domein leiden tot raamwerken waar datastroom gerea liseerd wordt tussen softwarecomponenten. Ontwerpen naar het tweed e domein leiden tot raamwerken waar de uitvoeringslogica en het nemen va n beslissingen centraal staan. Beide vormen van controle zijn nodi g om robot- en machinecontroleapplicaties uit te voeren. Dit werk beschouwt de controleapplicatie als een geheel en identificeert zowel de scheiding als de koppeling tussen de datastroom en de logica-u itvoeringsstroom. Een softwarecomponentenmodel ondersteunt controletaken die reageren op gebeurtenissen zoals in machinale weefgetouwen of in ge automatiseerde werktuigmachines. Het dient even goed in applicaties die sterk datageoriënteerd zijn zoals teruggekoppelde visie- en krachtcontro le in bewegingscontrole applicaties. Ideaal gezien biedt een software raamwerk voor controle communicatieprim itieven aan die inherent veilig zijn en strikte ware tijd eigenschappen hebben. Observatie of interactie met de controleactiviteit mag het tijds determinisme niet storen. Klassieke ware tijd besturingssystemen, in dew elke controleapplicaties traditioneel gebouwd worden, bieden niet al dez e garanties aan. Dit werk draagt een ontwerppatroon bij voor synchrone en asynchrone comm unicatie dat aan deze vereisten voldoet, gebruik makende van slotvrije c ommunicatie. De patronen garanderen gelokaliseerde ware tijd eigenschapp en in een gemengde ware tijd omgeving, die toegang van op afstand toelaa t. De communicatieprimitieven in dit werk worden gevalideerd en prestere n zowel gemiddeld als in het slechtste geval beter dan traditionele slot gebaseerde aanpakken. Dit werk draagt tevens een ontwerppatroon bij voor het structureren van teruggekoppelde controleapplicaties. De Controlekern, die dit patroon im plementeert kan gebruikt worden voor gedistribueerde controleapplicaties . Bijvoorbeeld om twee robots te synchroniseren gebaseerd op ware tijd t erugkoppeling van een 3D visiesysteem en een krachtsensor. De resultaten van dit werk leiden tot een componentenmodel voor ware tij d machine- en robotcontroleapplicaties. De componenteninterface specific eert (ware tijd) datastromen, (ware tijd) uitvoeringsstromen en de param eters van elke component. Dit is toegepast in een online cameragebaseerd e voorwerpvolger.status: publishe

    ABSTRACT Multi-Step Media Adaptation: Implementation of a Knowledge-Based Engine.

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    Continuing changes in the domains of consumer devices and multimedia formats demand for a new approach to media adaptation. The publication of customized content on a device requires an automatic adaptation engine that takes into account the specifications of both the device and the material to be published. These specifications can be expressed using a single domain ontology that describes the concepts of the media adaptation domain. In this document, we provide insight into the implementation of an adaptation engine that exploits this domain knowledge. We explain how this engine, through the use of description matching and Semantic Web Services, composes a chain of adaptation services which will alter the original content to the needs of the target device

    Realtime hybrid task-based control for robots and machine tools

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    status: publishe